Saturday, 7 September 2013

Getting on the Blog-Wagon

Hey, how's a going?

So I'm trying to make my blog more... well more! So as you can see I've added a Instagram button thingy, and I've set up a Pinterest account which I shall also link to this page when I discover how! I'm not all up to speed with technology. Like I was one of those computer generation babies or whatever! As far as I'm concerned I can go on Facebook, access my emails, use this blog, and go on YouTube and all that stuff - good enough for me! I can't deal with Ipads,Kindles or Tablets (sold my Kindle because I never used it and almost threw my mother's Tablet at the wall on numerous occasions cuz it's frustrating as hell!).
Anyways! So yup I'm get on the ole Facebook and make a page or something for this. Anyone remember Bebo? God those were the days! And you'd Heart people :) A simpler time!

I'm watching Insidious and so far so good but I have to say (as a Horror Movie Life Long Lover!) Sinister was one of the best horrors I've seen in God knows how long! Seriously love Ethan Hawke <3 Would highly recommend the movie!

So go away and let me watch this and upgrade this blog yok!
Night everyone :)
Freaky Smudge

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