They don't make songs like this anymore :(

So two hours of Commercial Fashion Design this morning though we really just went around the classroom, getting a feel of everyone's background and what they want to do after the course. Some people have done the most interesting things - It's so cool!! I guess that's one thing about meeting new people; everyone comes from a different walk of life and has different experiences.
During our hour break I ran to Penneys to buy this adorable pale blue dress with little flamingos on it :) I know that sounds weird but my mum bought this dress yesterday and I saw it this morning and was like "This shall be mine!!". Sure it was €15, and so cute! Had to get a 12 because all that was left was size 16/18/20, but I think a red chunky belt would look nice with it... If I can find one. After this we had Problem Solving which is basically going over all the problems we're having with assignments and projects, etc. I was expecting like an AA meeting or something :P But no we went over the steps on how to make our pin cushions and got some materials which was great fun!
Then we had 4 drawing classes- this was... well I found it difficult because I did Art in Leaving Cert. and when we sat into the class today the teacher told us to look at the arrangement in front of us (bananas, apples, kiwis, an orange, and leaves) and just draw the lines. No shading or perspective, so it was definitely a change. Practice makes perfect... damn! :) I'm sure I'll get the hang of this eventually!

Oh before I forget, can you guys please follow me on this, and Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Bloglovin! I would really appreciate it. You're all probably really sick of me asking that but ya know - gotta get the message out there.
Sorry if this was kinda a crap post but I'll make up for it or something :) Maybe a give-away on Facebook.... Got your attention yet???
Later kids.... Oh and the jelly thing was that I bought some for lunch but forgot to get a spoon :'( apparently funny stuff... :(
Freaky Smudge
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