Well in Galway; 18-22 degrees, they said.... Be grand, they said..
They were wrong! Instead it rained but then again it's Ireland..
So at college we're still brain storming for our recycled garment project, and this morning we went on a little class trip to the wonderful charity shops. I have to say that although I didn't buy anything I wish I had, especially when I went to Candy on Sea Road (Hairdresser/Vintage shop). Very nice things! We also went to the Simon Community shop, the Good as New shop, and the Saint Vincent de Paul shop, which is a favourite of mine. Here's pics of some stuff I saw and will hopefully inspire me for this project :) Here's two pics of some things I saw which will hopefully inspire me for this project!

So Milan Fashion Week has ended with Paris Fashion Week beginning!! Some great stuff from the last week though, without a doubt. Loved the Just Cavalli collection- loads of energy in the clothing. I thought that the majority of the collections were darker than expected for me. So may Paris bring colour! So far so good!
Well my darling buds,
Freaky Smudge
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