For anyone looking to get away for a weekend, or you're visiting Ireland for the giggles, visit Letterkenny, I beg you. It's funny how it's so far away from everything, yet it has everything so you don't have to go anywhere else! Handy enough!
I'm going to do a short little review here now for PhotoBox.ie. I remember a few years ago, chilling with Miss Derry over there, and watching her put together those online photo album things! I always wanted to get one done so last week (or the week) before I was searching online for a good site and I found http://www.photobox.ie, so I went in and clicked on 'Books' and got the 30 pages for 14.95 (euro), did my theme (I would have like to be able to stick my own pictures or own patterns as the theme, but they have a wide selection in their range), then I added in my pics, and TA DAH! Said it would be here on the 10th and it was :) happy outwith my lovely photobook; I was able to put in captions, expand or decrease the size of pics, added in about 55 pictures in total - looks great! The only thing I would say to anyone, and I'm sure this applies to every site - make sure that the pic is in good resolution, few of mine don't look too good (or maybe that's just my face... :/ ).
Fashion, fashion, fashion - live, sleep, and breathe (cuz no one eats!) fashion <3 This week at GTI has been fun yet busy! I really can't complain; not only am I in a course with a lovely bunch, I'm doing something that I love! Not everyone can say "I've to go design an 8 piece collection tonight and look at magazines" :) I'm lucky and I know it. What's even more great is that I enjoy the work and I can say for sure that this is what I want to do with my life - THANK YOU GTI!!
This week we had to create a mood board, or inspiration board, for the trends and designers of S/S14! Paris, New York, Milan and London - so many paper-cuts :) Will have to put a pic up for ye all but unfortunately my board is in school for the weekend. We also had to get a skirt type we like, e.g. pencil, flare, etc., and create 8 flat drawings of the skirt and edit them in different ways - now we are going to make one of the eight :P Sounds fun, and it is, but I had to make the most complicated thing I could think of - because I'm just awkward and difficult like that.... My skirt is a pencil that then flares out at the knee (1950's Inspired). My pattern looks like the blueprints of a maze but hopefully, granted I don't make a ruin of it, I'll get high marks for my troubles :)
It's crazy to think that I've only one more week at college, and then I'm on my mid-term break. 6 weeks have gone by since I started this course which is mind-blowing. Like they warned us it would go fast but you really never feel it!
Oh great news! One of my darling friends and I have gotten ourselves (actually our super sound teacher did) work experience in BROWN THOMAS GALWAY, helping at the window display! For all of you not from Galway, this window display is THE window :) Everyone knows that once the BT's Christmas window display comes up, Christmas is here! I'm actually so chuffed to be apart of the experience, it's a huge deal and massive honor!
Galway at Christmas time is my favourite place to be! The lights go on all around the city, window displays go up, everyone is happy, the Christmas Market comes to town and all the stalls smell like Christmas! The Christmas Market is great; people from all over the world pay a butt load to have a stall at the Market, and then all these tourists come and there's loads going on all the time.
I think I'm very fortunate to live in Galway, and be from Galway; the City of Tribes, the City of Festivals - you'll hardly ever get bored here because there's always something: the Arts Festival, the Film Feadh, the Oyster Festival, Christmas Market, the Comedy Festival, the Galway Races, and sooooooo much more!
Anyways I think that's all I have for ye! Please please PLEASE give the page a like guys, would really be nice :) https://www.facebook.com/freakysmudgeishere AND AND AND I'm on Twitter https://twitter.com/FreakySmudge :) Bad news, Instagram is off my to-do list because I can;t get it on my new phone... Did anyone even know there was an Instagram???
Freaky Smudge
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