Well Freaky has been helping with the windows displays and in-store decorations in Brown Thomas, Galway. I honestly loved it so much the last time that I decided to go back! Today I was up on a ladder. Now I'm not particularly afraid of heights but I'm used to being on ground if ya get me. Like I was too afraid to even fly, I was ten years old before I agreed to take a step onto a plane :O I guess in fashion you have to keep climbing that ladder...
At 17 I really feel like I;m having a mid-life crisis; I had it all planned out - now I see that that was my first problem! You can't plan your life and if you do, like me, you're just setting yourself up for major disappointment. I'm impatient, very impatient. I hit the ground running and forget to enjoy things! WARNING THIS IS GONNA SOUND CORNY: The greatest thing about life is that everyday is new and you can't tell what's going to come next. I should really take my own advice more often because I even do those stupid quizzes online about my future and career despite that I know they are such bull!! My voice of reason always appears to have a sore throat!
Speaking of fashion, (when are we not!?!) I have just completed an assignment which I'm thinking of putting up online. I would put it up tonight but I left it in college :/ It's a project on an Irish fashion designer! Lads, our country may be small but only good things come from it :) I choose the beautiful and talented Natalie B Coleman! What a star! I did an interview with Ms Coleman via email so, out of courtesy, I;m going to email her tonight and get her permission to post the interview on my blog. I'm not being a kiss-ass but she really is a lovely person and I've only ever heard good things about her! One of my main reasons for choosing Ms Coleman is that she attended L.I.T. (Limerick Institute of Technology) and got a degree in fashion design there, which is something I hope to do. I'm just going to stick up a few pics now that I actually used in my project on Ms Coleman's collections. They're wicked kids :)
A/W 13/14: I Belong To Me
S/S 13: Sarah's Suitcase
A/W 12/13: I Love Me

S/S 12: All The Jewellery I Never Got (part 2) S/S 11: Damaged Goods
If you get a chance, check her out - http://www.nataliebcoleman.com!
Well my dear peas that's all from me tonight but I'm actually, swear to which ever God you believe in, I;m emailing her right this second to get the all clear because no one wants to sue me, I've no money!
Freaky Smudge
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